Friday, 24 March 2017

Many Hands Make Light Work

This week we have been very focused on working collaboratively so created a collaborative piece of art that we are sure you will agree is spectacular!!!

Are they the same or different?

This week we have been working collaboratively to compare some of the animals we saw at the zoo. We decided to use a venn diagram to compare the animals we chose and very cleverly used Google Draw to present our thinking. Here are just a few of the completed ones...

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Our Gala Art Canvas so far....

It has been a busy week but with the help of the very talented Mrs Cameron we have even managed to paint our canvas for the Gala Art Auction.

We thought you may like to see what it looks like so far and it's not even finished yet...

Sunday, 19 March 2017

So many Interests and Talents!

Check out this amazing word cloud to see the many and varied interests and talents of the Room 17 team....

Welcome to the Room 17 Team!

We started the day today thinking about how we can collaborate and participate effectively in a team so meet the Room 17 team.
(A few missing today but we will add them in).
We have a great day developing the skills of a collaborative learner.